About Us
Enlighten Heart Education Center has extended its successful teaching experience in North San Jose to Cupertino, providing after-school care services for school age children. At Enlighten Heart Education Center, we are dedicated to promoting the education of the heart and mind. Through the teaching of Confucius, our students will learn the proper ways of dealing with family, friends and develop a positive attitude that benefits them for life. Our after-school program provides not only homework assistance and enrichment classes, but also a warm rest stop before returning home.
We also offer safe, structured, enriched activities and classes that help children to learn new skills and interest to explore themselves.
Enlighten Heart Education Center秉持此宗旨理念,以在地的文化背景為基礎,透由品德與心靈教育,將孩子們培養成由內而外、孝悌誠信的翩翩君子。